Blessed Beyond Words

Monday, May 13, 2013

Hendersons Plus One More!

By now this is old news but I couldn't update our blog without including our BIGGEST news in months.  We announced in February that the Henderson's of Hockley were expanding!  Baby #3 has a due date set for September 12, 2013.....Wyatt's 2nd birthday :)  Given this delivery will be a scheduled C-Section like the boys we will most likely meet our newest little one around the 5th. 

We opted to have a gender screen at 16 weeks and we were tickled PINK to find out #3 is a girl!  I even had them check a few days later to make sure :)  Back in November Chase randomly asked for a baby sister...I told him he would need to ask God for that one.  God listens!  in the early weeks before we found out I had come to refer to baby as "he" and Chase constantly corrected me saying "No, it's our baby sister".  I've had lots of fun pinning girly stuff on pinterest and planning to redo the nursery in pinks!  We've got the large room upstairs all set up for the boys to share but are waiting to move Wyatt up until mid summer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Our Christmas letter that never made it to our Christmas cards...

Dear Friends and Family,

We hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the start of the Christmas Season.  We decided to write our first “Annual Christmas Letter” .  It’s hard to believe that 2012 is coming to an end but it’s always fun to think back to the year past.

Chris very recently decided to resign from his position with Bank of America and will be contracting with JP Chase for the next several months starting December 3rd.  He truly enjoyed his time with the Bank but after 3 and half years he felt it was time to pursue other opportunities.  Chris has spent a little less time on the lake this year than normal while he tries his hand at a few new hobbies (like he needed anymore J ).  This year he purchased a dove lease and had several good hunting days in the start of the season.  Chase was always eager to gear up and go out with Daddy to keep him company and help him spot the dove. 

Misty stays busy with the house, two active little boys and Chris.  She jokes that she is need of a 12 step program for her pinterest addiction.  She is constantly trying new recipes, home remedy or heading to hobby lobby to pick up supplies for another project.   

Chase is now three and a half and looks more and more like a “Big Boy” and less like our baby every day.    He started his first year of Mother’s Day out in the fall at Fairfield Baptist Church and really looks forward to his 2 days a week there.  It’s such a joy to see the fun things he makes and him tell us about the bible stories he learns about at “school”.  He is still our shy and timid one but I can tell this year he is easing out of his shell.

Wyatt turned one in September and we celebrated with a “big top circus” party in the back yard.  Little brother however doesn't realize he is only 1 because he wants and attempts to do everything big brother does.  Mommy and Daddy have their work out for them!  Wyatt is easy going and has no fears. He is such a happy baby and loves to dance and listen to music.  I think we own half of Toy R Us but his favorite toys are my pampered chef strainer which he uses to catch/throw balls, the broom which he pulls out of the pantry every chance he gets and his tooth brush which he also sneaks out and carries around the house. 

We are so grateful for our many blessings and look forward to seeing what God has planned for us in 2013!

Christmas Eve and Morning!

 Here are just a few pictures of Christmas Eve at the Henderson's.   We went to Mass at 6:30 and came home to get the boys in their pj,s put cookies out for Santa and read a few stories.  I think I was more excited about Christmas morning than the boys were.  Sitting on the living room floor with the 3 most important people in my life, my heart was full of an over whelming since of peace and joy.

the stocking were hung by the chimney with care....

Cookies and Milk for Santa!

Just checking1

"I'm sure the big guy wouldn't miss this one"

Santa is coming!!!

Wyatt in his new ride
Chase checking out the goods!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas Fun

I worked really hard to finish Christmas shopping a few days after Thanksgiving so that we could focus on celebrating CHRISTmas and making memories with the boys.  I know these years are passing too quickly and I want to soak them in.  Chase and I decorated a ginger bread house one afternoon when he got home from school.  The icing wasn't even dry and he was ready to dig in.  He and Wyatt enjoyed pieces of that poor house for days.  

I loved the boys in their matching Christmas PJ's so I figured I'd try my luck at picture taking.  These are far from perfect but I couldn't be happier with them, you can see the love for one another in faces.  

This is the first year I undertook the task of making Christmas cookies, Chase has just been too young.  I made the dough from scratch which was actually pretty simple and turned out to be delicious as well.  The whole "cover and chill for 3 hours" was torture for Chase.  Hours later we rolled the dough and used my collection of cookies cutters to create trees, bells and candy canes. After making what felt like dozens I was grateful I talked myself out of making a double batch :)  Then came time to decorate, again I made the icing from scratch and colored in it zip lock bags.  I was truly impressed with our cookies.  It was and entire day process and a big ol' mess but so fun.  I was reminded that day why we save this tradition for Christmas!

Melty Chirstmas

Since we moved to Houston almost 4 years ago we've started a new family tradition, the Melty's pack up and drive here to spend a weekend and celebrate Christmas a little early.  I love having my entire family in our home to eat, drink and be merry.  I cook, clean and I'm exhausted by the end of the weekend but I love every minute of it.  Chase and Wyatt love playing with their cousins!  

Our Visit with Santa

December 3, 2012- We made our annual trip to Bass Pro to see Santa.  Chase is old enough this year to know what its all about and he had his request ready to tell Santa.  As we suspected despite all the hype he was still a little hesitant to get too close to the bearded man dressed in red velour.  We managed to get a pretty good picture while we held the kids- neither would willingly sit in his lap.  We love BP because they offer fun activities for the kids, writing letters to Santa, crafts and games.  Daddy enjoyed the trip too and we obviously had to look around the hunting and fishing departments a bit before heading home.   

Monday, December 17, 2012


We were able to join Chase for his Thanksgiving Feast at school.  Fairfield baptist church offers a car pool line for pick up and drop off which I love but I do miss getting to see him in his "school" environment.  I'll admit that I fought back tears when I saw him walk into the room with his Chief Chase shirt and Indian feathers on his head, time is passing too quickly.  His face lit up when he saw us sitting there, so grateful for the little moments like those.

We were invited to spend Thanksgiving Day at the Lazy H & B Ranch that Chris' Aunt Gail and Uncle Rick own.  We packed up and made the 6 plus hour drive to Del Rio, Texas.  Words cannot describe how beautiful it is, I was humbled to see God's work undisturbed.  We all took turns going out to the deer stands and Chris shot a doe and audad.  The boys loved every minute of it, Chase insisted on wearing camo nearly everyday.  

Chris and his audad

Chris and his doe

The boys cruising

Thanksgiving 2012


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