Blessed Beyond Words

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

38 weeks

It's hard to believe we are now 38 weeks pregnant and now considered full term. Baby Chase could come any day now....Chris and I are looking forward to meeting our little person.

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks good. I am 25% effaced and dilated to a 1...which gives us no clue as to when I may go into labor only that my body is indeed getting ready. My next appointment ia on Monday so stay tuned.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Showered with love in Dallas

My bestest friend Misty Lynne and sister Miranda hosted a shower for us this weekend in Dallas. I was so happy to see my girl friends I hadn't seen much, if at all since moving to Austin. We ate, played games and had a great time. As you can see baby Chase got a ton of fun stuff- we barely got in all in my 4-Runner for the drive home. Chris and I truly feel blessed for the wonderful people in our lives that are already showering this baby with love.

We are officially 36 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow, for those of you that don't know you are actually pregnant 40 weeks which equals out to be 10 months....not 9 months. I have a doctors appointment in the morning so I'll be sure to keep you updated.

They suggest you not travel far from home in the last weeks of pregnancy so it looks like we'll be hanging out here in Austin.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

35 weeks preggo and counting...

Today's baby doctor appointment well. Dr. Murphree scheduled a sonogram to check on his weight and to see if he was in the head down position. He is indeed head down, the sono tech mentioned he head was really low which explains my frequent trips to the restroom. He is measuring just right at about 5 lbs and 10 oz. I asked her to double check something and yes he is still a little boy :) I have heard too many stories where babies were predicted to be one sex and they were the other. It's not that I would mind having a little girl...just as long as we got one that likes blue and trains. We wern't able to see baby as well as we did at the 18 week sonogram because he is so much bigger and somewhat cramped in there. We did get a great 3-D shot of his face, he has chubby cheeks and a lot of hair. I can't wait to meet him! From now on I'll make weekly visits to the doctor- fun times :)

My blood sugar levels are still good therefore I won't need medicine to keep me in line. I might stick with this diabetes diet after I deliever...I lost 5 lbs since my last visit! My doctor said that was just fine, baby will take all he needs and leave the rest.

We are heading to Dallas tomorrow after work for a long weekend and our baby shower. I am so excited to see all my girls....I have really missed sharing this special time in my life with them.


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