We met our dear friends from our home church in Lewisville Mary Jo and Ronnie for dinner Wednesday night. I think Chris was a bit overwhelmed with the girl talk but of coarse enjoyed the company as well as his enchilada's :)

Thursday Chase and I drove out to Wylie for a play date with Carter, the boys are just 3 days apart. Carter's mommy, Leanne and I went to high school together and have reconnected thanks to facebook. The boys played really well together and it was fun catching up with Leanne.
Chase & Carter
Sweet Boys
My little sister is getting married this summer and I was excited to find out that the weekend we were in town was the same weekend as the Dallas Bridal show. My mom, sisters,niece, Megan's best friend and mother of the groom had a great time cruising the aisles cake testing :) We all stopped for lunch at Jason's Deli to complete our girls day.

We managed to see several friends during our trip but as always there is never enough time to see everyone. We ended up heading back a day early because Chris wasn't feeling very well and was eager to sleep in his own bed to rest up for the coming week. I don't at all regret our decision to move here, but leaving Dallas was especially hard this trip. Our friends and family in Dallas mean so much to us and as much as I love visiting with you all, it makes my heart miss you all that much more. I just wish there weren't so many miles between Dallas and Houston!