Today marks Chasey Poo's 15th month. It's so funny to think about how much he has changed in just the 3 short months since his 1st birthday. As you can see he has a mouth full of teeth with more threatening to break through any day now. I am anxious to see next week at his wellness check how much he has grown (I'll be sure to keep you posted on the stats). Chris asked today if I was feeling him plant food b/c he is growing so fast! Daddy noticed it today when Chase can now see what he is reaching for off the desk rather than grabbing blindly :)
He has such a sweet and loving personality. He makes my day when he randomly leans over with puckered lips for a quick kiss followed with a "muah" sound. As I was getting his bath ready last night I asked him if he wanted to take a bubble bath and he repeated it perfectly.
It is amazing to see how well he communicates with us now. He went through a head shaking phase months ago but I am pretty sure he knows now how to communicate using the nods. I'll ask him if he had a good nap or if dinner was yummy and he shakes yes. If you ask him if he is ready for night night expect a no :)
Chase recently started taking us by the finger and leading us to where he wants us to go or to what he wants. We usually end up at a door leading to outside or the refrigerator! Today he let us know he was ready for lunch by taking Chris' finger and leading him to his high chair.
I'm sure many of you have seen his pictures on FB of his many bumps and bruises, yes he got his grace from his mother. After a knock or bang he now rubs where it hurts, which leaves a lot less guessing and much more soothing.
We could have never imagined how much joy a child could bring to our lives. We wouldn't trade our little monster for anything!