Blessed Beyond Words

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010!

For months now I have been excited to take Chase to the pumpkin patch, we went last year to take a few pictures but he was too small to do much else.  This year we went to the same local grower and were able to go on the hayride, try out the corn maze and see the animals.  Chase wasn't feeling well so I didn't get the pictures I had hoped for, there is always next year!  I love looking back at pictures taken this time last year to see how much our little man has grown!  

Chase October 2009- 7 months old
Chase October 2010- 19 months old
Picking out the perfect pumpkin!

Old Town Tomball Train

After three attempts at other costumes Chase made it clear he was not a fan of big fluffy costumes with hats so we had to try another route.  We opted for a Halloween costume that to Chase would be everyday clothes. Chase shares his late Great Grandfather Malkowsky's love for trains so what more perfect costume that a train conductor?  I took Chase to Old Town Tomball one mid morning for pictures by the historic train and he had a ball!  He had to have said "choo-choo" 50 times and didn't want to leave. 

Such a happy boy!
Off to work!
Hanging out with Mr. Tomball himself!

Chase's Weekend with all his Grandparents!

I can't believe I am just now getting around to updating our blog.  Forgive me?  The weekend of the 16-17 Ken and Gloria graciously invited my family to the lake house for the weekend.  Chase was surrounded by both sets of grandparents and Uncle Joe and Aunt Megan, needless to say he was not lacking love and attention!  We all had a great time visiting, taking the boats out, and enjoying the beautiful fall weather.  The guys spent a lot of time fishing but didn't seem to have a lot of luck.  It was fun seeing my mom and Gloria out on the jet ski and paddle boat, for those who know my mom that is so out of character for her!  It won wonderful to have my entire family together simply enjoying life!

Chase with Nonna and Papaw enjoying the view of the lake
Daddy and Chase (who finally kept a hot on his head!)
Grandma and Nonna on the paddle boat!  

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A day at the zoo!

The Henderson's visited the Houston Zoo for the first time on Saturday.  The sun was shinning and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, the perfect day to spend outdoors!  Chase knows all of the farm yard animals but jungle animals are fairly new to him, I think the elephants were his favorite (and mine too).  We had a great time walking around pointing out animals and birds to Chase.  You truly see life in a whole new light through the eyes of a child!   

Daddy and Chase 

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Waller County Fair!

 We invited our good friends, Fidencio, Krystle and Ella to join us at the Waller County Fair Friday night.  So I put my cowgirl boots on eager to see what this small town fair was all about!  Growing up in Dallas we went to the State Fair of Texas pretty much every year, this was pretty much the same only on a MUCH smaller scale.  We walked through the live stock area, checked out what a few vendors had and watched the barrel races and bull riding.  The kids were great  and really got into it!
Our Rodeo Junkies!

My Houston BFF!

Ready to Roll!

Friday, October 1, 2010

A climber for our monkey!

 Welcome back Autumn we missed you!  I love this time of year, the weather is cool and crisp, the leaves begin to change and there are so many fun things to do!  Chris on the other hand would be happy if the tempature never dropped below 100 because he hates cold/winter that much! 

Since the weather has cooled off so much I've wanted to take Chase outside to play more then I did when you broke out in a sweat the minute you stepped foot into the Houston humidity.  Chase tons of toys but I thought he needed something to play on rather than play with.  I didn't want to go oever board given Chritmas is just a few months away.  So after searching craigslist I found a climber that was in great shape, kept indoors and was pretty local.  It is the perfect size, I don't have to worry so much about him getting too high or getting hurt.  Aunt Miranda offered to make it an early Christmas gift- thanks Aunt Miranda!  Chase loves it- I am already looking for other little tykes outdoor toys to add to it. 

our little monkey in his climber!

He says WEE when going down the slide!

Closing the door behind him :)

I was tryint o get him to say cheese and look through the window- this is what I got

My favorite picture....he was saying mommy not cheese :)
 We were having so much fun outside we decided to eat lunch on the porch.  This child loves sloppy joe's so he didn't mind we had leftovers from last night :)  He is finally getting the hang of eating a sandwitch with both hands! 

Sloppy Chase


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