Blessed Beyond Words

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We drove to Dallas last Sunday to spend the week and Thanksgiving with my family.  Chris worked from my parents house Monday and Tuesday, we are very thankful that his job gives us the flexibility to travel witout using so much vacation.  As always the trip seemed too short and we didn;t get to see everyone we would have liked to.  Thursday was spent preparing food, eating too much food, watching football and enjoying time with the entire Melty family and m Aunt Jan and Uncle Tom.  Nate insisted we end the day with a family game of Charades which was a lot of fun, I have to say I'm pretty dang good at it!  I try not to take any of my blessings for granted but on Thanksgiving I call to mind all the little things.  I'm grateful for unanswered prayers, had God given me what I wanted so many years ago I wouldn't be where I am today.  What are you most grateful for this year?
My two greatest blessings!

Chase had so much fun playing with Jenna and Nate

Cutest Cousins Ever

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

20 months old!

Today marks Chase's 20th month!  On his 15 month we decided to mark his growth progress on the pantry door frame.  It will be fun to see the marks on the wall get higher and higher with each passing year. 
15 and 20 month marks
Chase posing in front of the marks :)
Chase is talking so much now!  His vocabulary grows each day and he seems to be putting 2-3words together now and then.  He repeats pretty much anything you say.  His obsession with trains continues, he carried a Thomas the train engine around all day Saturday, in and out of the car and every store.  He keeps Chris and I laughing constantly.
He "CHEESED" every time I pointed the camera!
Silly Monkey!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

We had a very busy but happy Halloween weekend.  Saturday night we went to Don & Shannon's pumpkin carving party, as you can see from the picture it was a huge success and lots of fun!

Now those are some great looking pumpkins!

Don and Shannon stopped by so we could get a few pictures of the boys in their costumes.  Parker was all smiles and made the cutest puppy dog!  Chase, our little train conductor was bribed with candy to sit still so we could snap a few shots.  Chase can say Parker now, which sounds a little more like Barber but it's close :)
Cutest Cousins Ever! 
We invited Ken & Gloria and our friends Marty, Stacy and Chase #2 over to trick or treat with us.  Since both boys are small and wouldn't be disappointed if we only went to a few houses.  Both Chase's did great, Chase #1 got the hang of it quickly, he'd walk up to our neighbors doors, knocked and waited on the candy to be dropped into his bucket.   I got a bit teary eyed at the first house seeing what a big boy he is becoming, such a mom thing! We came home after about 5 houses and he kept going to the door so we took him back out to visit a few more neighbors.  Holidays are so much fun with kiddo's around!  We hope you all had a Happy Halloween!
The Henderson's
The Flach's
Our favorite Train Engineer
Ready to go!
Trick or Treat!
Chase checking out his loot!

I've been working on the railroad....

We spent Saturday morning at Zube Park not far from our house.  Our neighbor volunteers one Saturday a month to drive the miniature trains and invited us out for a private ride.  It was fun to see all of the unique trains and ride along the 2 miles of train track.  For our local friends, you must check them out!  Chase loved the whole experience! 

Checking out the trains at Zube Park
Chris and Chase
Chase size trains


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