Blessed Beyond Words

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Finally an update!

Well I had hoped to do better at keeping this blog updated, but as you all know I have been slacking. I really need to get in a better habit of posting more often BEFORE baby arrives otherwise there may be no hope.

As of today we are 34 weeks pregnant, only 6 weeks to go! I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 28 weeks but thankfully do not require medicine. I was able to adjust my diet and monitor my glucose by checking my blood 4 times a day. There is no real risk to baby as long as keep my numbers low, which so far hasn't been difficult to do. However babies born to diabetic mothers sometimes tend to be a bit bigger. Chris and I have an sonogram appointment next Tuesday to check baby's weight and see if he has turned head down. Our last sonogram was at 18 weeks when we found out he was a boy and at that time he was sitting in the frank breech position, which is exactly how my sister Megan and I were delivered. We are praying that if he hasn't turned already that he does soon because they no longer give you the option of delivering naturally when the baby is breech and of course I would prefer a natural birth over a c section. So please keep us in your prayers as we near baby time!

I'm off to bed but promise to keep the Henderson blog spot updated.

Loving this baby bump!

As much as I miss sleeping on my back, not getting up 4 times a night to pee and seeing my toes, I do indeed love this baby bump. It's hard for me to imagine that in just a few weeks I won't be sitting down in the evening and seeing my belly roll and kick, I'll be caring for an infant. I can't wait to hold our little person in my arms but have grown pretty found on this baby bump. Laura drove in from Houston to spend this past weekend with us and joined me for my maternity photo shoot. Our favorite is the one of just my tummy (not my fluffy looking face) and me holding the teddy bear. I know I'll hold these pictures dear to my heart for years to come.

Houston Baby Shower

My wonderful sister in-laws, Laura and Shannon, hosted our Houston Shower on January 17th. We had a great time and lil' Chase received a lot of fun baby stuff. It amazes me who something so tiny could require so many items!

Chase's Nursery

The nursery is nearly complete, now all we need is a baby! As you can see Chris did a great job assembling Chase's crib and dresser. We are decorating in denim, plaids and trains. Two years ago when Chris' grandmother moved from her house we came across several items from Chris' grandfathers train collection, he worked for the railroad for over 30 years. I fell in love with one little teddy bear sporting conductors hat and bandanna around his neck, we decided then we would pay tribute to Great Grandpa Malkowsky and display the train memorabilia in our nursery if we were to ever have a boy.


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