Blessed Beyond Words

Monday, January 11, 2010

10 months old and on the move...

Chase turned 10 months old on Saturday, it amazes me that in just two months our sweet boy will be a year old! I took him to the Dr. last week to learn that we had a slight ear infection and a bit of congestion. We're on antibiotics and a decongestant which seems to be doing the trick. Despite being all stopped up and obviously not feeling well he was still our sweet little guy, just a bit more clingy than normal :)

He is super mobile for his age and has been standing on his own since about 8 months and taking 2 0r 3 steps here or there for the past month or so. He is getting really comfortable with "wall cruising", walking along the walls of our house to get to where he wants to go. In the past few days he is getting braver and walking longer distances though often finds it easier and faster to just fall to his knees to crawl.
Walking to mommy across the living room!
Wall Cruising

Chase now has 4 teeth, two top and two bottom and no signs of any others currently. He surprised me the other day by repeating me and put two words together. I was holding him while I was making his bottle and started saying baba excitedly, I asked him to say baba mama and he said it right back to me several times. He loves the nodding of the head thing and now nods no when he is told no-no.

Chris and I laugh daily and silly things he does or his facial expressions and hope our little guy brightens your day too! Children are such an incredible blessing!

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