Blessed Beyond Words

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1/2 way to 2!

Chase officially turned 18 months old last Thursday but I held off on blogging about it until today's wellness check. Chris took some time off work today to go with us to Chasey Poo's check up. Dr. Rose said Chase is right on track developmentally and doing great. He is in the 95 percentile in height at 35 inches(averaging the same height as a 2 year old) and 10th percentile in weight at a little under 24 lbs. We know he lost a bit of weight during a few days of a tummy bug 3 weeks ago. The doctor said he was on the verge of voicing concern about Chase's weight given it's a little on the low side until seeing Chris today. Believe me the child eats but apparently stays so active burns it all off.

The Dr. warned us of the things we can begin to expect from out independent 18 month old....many we have already been introduced to. More exploration around the house and getting into things, picky eating and tantrums. His vocabulary continues to grow each day and he has begun putting words together. I jotted down as many of his words I could think of while we were out to lunch today. Here are a few..momma, daddy, Nonna, papa, Jenna, Nate, dog, belly button, water, shoe, shirt, car, snack, bubble, bath, out, up, come on, cookie, cake, Elmo, Choo Choo, fish, cheese, juice, night night, book, eye, teeth, poo-poo, pee-pee, baby, bye-bye, spoon, hot, brush, banana, Ella, Blues Clue, peace out dude, hat, no,pop pop, boat- and I know I am forgetting many! He repeats all the time but I am not sure that he is aware of what he is saying. He seems to have a lot to say lately, he start talking baby talk and just go on forever and is so serious about it. I'd love to know what is going through his little head!

He can point to his eyes, teeth, ears, nose, mouth, belly button and hiney when asked where they are. Chase can also make the sounds for many animals, duck, cow, sheep, horse, chicken cat and dog, it's pretty dang cute if you ask his mom :)

He can follow directions well. If I ask him to take his blanket to his room he'll walk it in there and put it in the hamper. He found a piece of string on the floor last week and carried it to the kitchen and placed it in the trash all by himself. I hope he continues to be this tidy :)

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